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Ephesians Chapters 1 - 3 Our Wealth in Him |
Ephesians Chapters 4-6 Our Walk In Him |
Eph. 1:1-10 Salvation Riches |
Eph. 4:1-16 Worthy Walk |
Eph. 1:11-23 Inheritance Riches |
Eph. 4:17-32 Investing Walk |
Eph. 2:1-10 Glorification Riches |
Eph. 5:1-7 Loving Walk |
Eph. 2:11-3:13 Dispensational Riches |
Eph. 5:8-14 Lightened Walk |
Eph. 3:14-21 Power Riches |
Eph. 5:15-18 Intelligent Walk |
The premise that riches are power, that wealth allows a person to make changes in his life is not only true in the material realm, but foremost of great priority for the Body Of Christ when it comes to all our spiritual blessings: they are power for our walk in Christ! Satan know this too!! Could this be why Ephesians concluded with the full armour of God being necessary for every believers as Satan throws his fiery darts to convince us that we are without spiritual wealth in Christ; that we are powerless against the policy of Evil; that the Cross cannot provide for it is impotent and the death of Christ is of no effect?
The five identified walks are all encompassing of what constitutes living on this planet as a member of the Body of Christ. Each walk corresponds to the wealth of the riches of Christ and can only be experienced when the wealth of that walk is properly understood and implemented. All five walks are a continued manifestation of the Fellowship of the Mystery of Christ. All of them are to impact or bear influence upon living life as a son of God in this Dispensation of Grace. Body members are to take their wealth in Christ and change life through the manifestation of the Mystery in the following areas:
The Local Assembly is to be impacted by the Worthy Walk and Investing Walk. Members one with another in fellowship for education and edification must deal with failing and fallings of each other based upon their Salvation Riches.
The present Evil World is where the life as a believer is spent. These times of living are where the testimony of the Loving and Lightened Walk are to reprove the deeds of darkness.
Godly marriage is the basic unit of a stable society and a strong nation. Husbands and wives who proclaim faith in Christ are to intelligently walk in their union based upon the spiritual truths of Christ as head of the New Creation.
In the uniting of two into one flesh, children from the godly bond of matrimony become the next generation to carry forth the Message of the Mystery. The home life with the truths of the Mystery provides for the intelligent spiritual education and edification to those who will fight the next battles in the next generation.
"He that will not work, neither shall he eat" is still a part of the command God gave through Paul for the Body of Christ. It honors God to follow this command and provide for one's own.
The full armor of God provides the complete protection from Satan's policy of Evil as well as daily manifestation of our identity in Christ being put on by faith. Putting on the armour is synonymous as putting on Christ; and doing so by faith. We are to raise the shield of faith. This is not faith in faith, but faith in the expressed full knowledge doctrines of the book of Ephesians. The shield of faith is composed of the five categories of the spiritual wealth that has been freely given us in Christ. If you are a member of Christ's One Body Church you have Mystery spiritual wealth in and through the riches of His Grace!!