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The Warning PassagesHeb 2:1-2 The key to understanding these passages so that one does not have to twist, thereby wrongly dividing the Word of the Truth is to recognize that they all have the same dispensational setting. It is one in which Israel is on the verge of the Kingdom of God being established on earth after they endure unto the end of the Great Tribulation.This was what true Israel was prepared for by the Lord Jesus Christ -- Matt 24-25. During the earthly ministry of Christ, Israel was warned by Him concerning a sin which would not be forgiven. We read about this in Matt 12:31-32. In context it is very clear that the pronouncement of an unforgivable sin is drawn from Israel's reaction to the ministry of the Holy Spirit (Matt 12:22-30). Jesus, by the Holy Spirit, cast out devils and the religious crowd in Israel accredited that work of the Holy Spirit as satanic, even resisting the demonstration of the Spirit's power. In this passage, the Lord prophecies about a future threshold at which Israel will stand. The threshold has two levels of opportunity; or, if adversely reacted to, two levels of sin as unbelief abounds. The first threshold as the Lord states is when Israel would speak words against the Son of God (this is called blasphemy). This actually happens later in His ministry as He hung on Calvary's tree (Matt 27:39-44). The demonic ridicule and anger that was poured out upon Him by His own people was intense; the Record is clear concerning this. But this too was forgivable; for that is what He said, "And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him; The basis of this forgiveness would, of course, be the blood of the Son of man upon the cross. The fact that it was forgiven is two-fold:
But this is only part of the warning of Matt 12:31-32. The further alarming admonition had to do with Israel blaspheming or speaking against the Holy Spirit. If they commit this sin of unbelief, there would be no forgiveness of it. And please note, that the fact of this sin being unforgiven remains, not only in the present world that they lived in, but being unforgiven extends into the world to come, that new earth and new heaven of Isa 65:17 and Rev 20:1. Since the notable feature of blasphemy of the Son of man is that Israel did it in ignorance, then the notable feature of blasphemy would be that Israel does it knowing full well what they do. They may not know or accept the full consequences of such act, but when they do this unforgivable sin they do it presumptuously with forethought, having plenty of witness before them so that they are without excuse. That type of sin is unforgivable, not only under the old Dispensation of Law (Num 15:30-31), but also under the New Testament (Matt 12:31-32 cf. Heb 9:16-17; 10:26; Matt 26:28). As the Bible record the events of those early days of the book of Acts, Peter and the Eleven preach to Israel in such a fashion so as to remove all ignorance. Not only by words do they inform Israel of Jesus of Nazareth being God's Christ and that God raised him from the dead to be both Prince and Savior to Israel, but by wonders, signs and miracles is Israel given witness (Acts 2:14-36, 43; 3:12-25; 4:8-10; 5:31-32). The manifold witness Israel receives by the Little Flock (Acts 2 Kingdom church) is in the power of the Holy Ghost (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4-8). Like it or not unbelieving Israel is seeing, both with their physical eye and spiritual comprehension, the power of the Holy Spirit. How could they possibly think that to continue on in unbelief would be classified by God as doing so in ignorance. Truly as the verses state God, by giving such witness to Israel, was removing her ignorance as His chosen Nation heard the heavenly calling, tasted of the heavenly gift, were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, tasted of the good word of God, and tasted the powers of the world to come. NOW if Israel blasphemies the Holy Ghost as they did the Son of man, they would be committing a willful sin. To refuse God, who was speaking to Israel via the Holy Spirit in Peter and the Little Flock, would be for them to NOT believe the message the twelve apostles were preaching. What message did they preach? The answer is clearly they Gospel of the Kingdom and Gospel of the Circumcision (Matt 24:14; Gal 2:7). Israel's willful sin would be unforgivable after they received the full knowledge of this Truth. Be careful Israel, be careful!!! Did they commit blasphemy of the Holy Ghost? What sayeth the Record? Acts 7:51-60 is very, very clear. This is Israel's well demonstrated, but yet hidden, climactic act of rebellion. This passage in Acts records the place, time, and event where Israel crossed over the threshold into the unforgivable sin of Matt 12:31-32. The verdict of Israel's willful unbelief is given by God, the Holy Ghost, through Stephen's voice: Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost " With those words from God, Israel confirmed their unrepentant wicked heart and defiled conscience by stoning Stephen. Now, if you will go back and read the warnings of Hebrews within the framework of a proper dispensation setting and grasp the element of timing in these things, you will surely understand that each warning expresses the essences of what the Lord warned Israel about in Matt 12. Also if you would consider the other warnings in the Circumcision Epistles, like James 1:13-16 and 1 John 5:15-17 in the light of their proper dispensational setting, you can plainly see that the sin unto death would be blasphemy of the Holy Ghost. This sin would be committed when individual Israelites reject the testimony of God through the Little Flock; they counting themselves and their nation the blood of the New Covenant an unholy thing; they doing despite unto the Spirit of Grace as they give allegiance to the antichrist system. The final act of their rebellion would be the acceptance of the mark of the beast, 666. One closing point about one of the warning passages in Hebrews. In Hebrews 10:26 the admonition states: "For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins," Without understanding its proper dispensation setting, this passage is often taught in opposition to the doctrine of eternal security of a member of Christ's One Body. In other words, people think the verse says, "For if we sin willfully after we have received SALVATION, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins". But does it say SALVATION? It says, " after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, " Salvation is not the issue. Yes, knowledge of the truth can lead to salvation, but the verse is clear; what is received is the knowledge of the truth this is what the verse says. The word knowledge is the Greek word epi-gnosis which means full knowledge. Epi-gnosis is used to express that what is written is complete lacking nothing. The Epistle to the Hebrews is the written message of the Apostle's doctrine (acts 2:42 cf. Heb 2:3-4). This Epistle is the full knowledge of Jesus Christ according to prophecy. Through the doctrines explained in Hebrews, Israel has come unto the full knowledge of who God has made Jesus Christ to be for them. They can understand, they can see, they are not any longer ignorant as ignorance has been removed by the epi-gnosis. For Israel to reject the message contained in Hebrews would be to commit blasphemy of the Holy Ghost as these words are from God the Spirit (2 Peter 1:21 cf. 2 Tim 3:16). Today, God is not dealing with Israel nor working their kingdom program. Today is the Dispensation of the Grace of God. Blasphemy of Christ of the Holy Ghost is impossible to commit in this dispensation. It can not be done for it was not given by Jesus Christ for the gentiles to commit; it was only given to Israel within the dispensation setting of Prophecy. Future to our day in this Dispensation of the grace of God, which by the way was kept secret from the foundation of the world; and known in the Bible as The Mystery; and, revealed after the stoning of Stephen through Paul the apostle. Prophecy will be revived by God and Israel will be brought to the threshold of speaking against the Holy Ghost during her final days. Israel will have to decided who Jesus of Nazareth was as God moves upon Abraham's physical descendants to fulfill their role in the prophetic program Duane Gallentine |