Jesus Is Better Than the Angels
Jesus Christ, the Eternal Son of God:
- Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of God...God became flesh in time and history...the God man and man who was God
- A relationship and fellowship between the Father and Son
- Angels worship Him
- The Son's throne is forever...exists outside of creation---forever
- The Son manifests Divine attributes...loved righteousness/hates iniquity
- The Son is sovereign over all creation
- The Son exalted to the right hand of God expecting His enemies to be made His footstool by the Father
The Angels:
- Created as ministering spirits...not given flesh bodies
- Not part of the Godhead...not privy to the counsels of God
- Angels not to receive worship
- No position over creation, as they were created...exists within creation
- Angelic realm experienced rebellion and unrighteousness...1/3 fell
- Angels are subject to the Son
- Angels are just angels, ministering spirits not sharing in the Son's position...no co-redemption
From: A Dispensational Survey of the Epistles to the Hebrews
by Duane Gallentine
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